
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dr. Ivan Van Sertima: Afrikans In Science (Ancient & Modern)

Dr. Ivan Van Sertima: Afrikans In Science (Ancient & Modern) Tube. Duration : 52.03 Mins. In this lecture, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima discusses African history and African Science. This video was recorded in 1986, at Camden Town Hall London, in the Caribbean Cultural International & Karnak House. The topic of this lecture is entitled, Afrikans in Science (Ancient & Modern). Ivan Van Sertima was born in Guyana, South America. He was educated at the School of Oriental and African Studies (London University) and the Rutgers Graduate School and holds degrees in African Studies and Anthropology. From 1957-1959 he served as a Press and Broadcasting Officer in the Guyana Information Services. During the decade of the 1960s he broadcast weekly from Britain to Africa and the Caribbean. He is a literary critic, a linguist, an anthropologist and has made a name in all three fields. As a literary critic, he is the author of Caribbean Writers, a collection of critical essays on the Caribbean novel. He is also the author of several major literary reviews published in Denmark, India, Britain and the United States. He was honored for his work in this field by being asked by the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy to nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature from 1976-1980. He has also been honored as an historian of world repute by being asked to join UNESCO's International Commission for Rewriting the Scientific and Cultural History of Mankind. As a linguist, he has published essays on the dialect of the Sea Islands off the Georgia Coast. He is also ...


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