
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Questions and Answers, Part 58 (Selected Scriptures) John MacArthur

Questions and Answers, Part 58 (Selected Scriptures) John MacArthur Video Clips. Duration : 64.18 Mins. Well, as you know, these days are interesting days for me, as my work on preaching through the New Testament has nearly come to an end. In fact, in terms of preparation, it has come to an end. I have already prepared the messages for next Sunday. And it was Friday that I did something that really marked a dramatic shift in the course of my life. In my little study where I have prepared for many, many, many years, there are a couple of shelves off to my left and on those shelves for decades have been the commentaries and the study resources that I am using in any study of any book. And I'm always doing two books, usually always, if it's in the last couple of years, one on Sunday morning, one on Sunday night. So those shelves are occupied with commentaries on whatever books I'm preaching on. For the first time in decades, those shelves are empty. That was a kind of an interesting moment when I cleared off all the resources, historical resources, commentaries, all the tools that I have used in the book of Mark and put them back in their chronological place between Matthew and Luke in the larger library, and looked at an empty shelf and wondered what the future of my life was going to look like. What was going to be next on that shelf? And so as I think about that, I've got a lot of ideas. I am not likely to run out of them. If worse comes to worse, I'll just start in to the Psalms and you'll die and I'll die and we won't be anywhere near the end. So there are ...


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