"The Mystical World of George MacDonald" This film is now available on DVD for free to my YouTube subscribers. I may sell it eventually, but I want my supporters here to have it first and at no cost. All you have to do is send me a message here or through the email at my website and ask for it. Feel free to show it at your church, school, or other special events. Part 1 - What is Reality? This is the 1st part from a 51-minute documentary on the life and fantasy works of 19th century Scottish author--George MacDonald. I had abandoned the project in 2007 but eventually went back and finished it. It takes a long time to do everything by myself: writing the script, programming all the lettering effects and other special effects, hunting down photos, and especially composing and recording background music along with the narration. The entire script is culled from my book: "CS Lewis Called Him Master (Exploring the Life & Adult Fantasy Works of George MacDonald)". MacDonald was a very big influence on later writers such as CS Lewis and GK Chesterton. MacDonald is often spoken of as having had a mystical imagination. He excelled in fantasy literature of a spiritual nature, the best of which would probably be "Lilith", "Phantastes", "The Portent", and a children's book called "At the Back of the North Wind".
Thursday, January 3, 2013
George MacDonald, Part 1
George MacDonald, Part 1 Video Clips. Duration : 6.60 Mins.
"The Mystical World of George MacDonald" This film is now available on DVD for free to my YouTube subscribers. I may sell it eventually, but I want my supporters here to have it first and at no cost. All you have to do is send me a message here or through the email at my website and ask for it. Feel free to show it at your church, school, or other special events. Part 1 - What is Reality? This is the 1st part from a 51-minute documentary on the life and fantasy works of 19th century Scottish author--George MacDonald. I had abandoned the project in 2007 but eventually went back and finished it. It takes a long time to do everything by myself: writing the script, programming all the lettering effects and other special effects, hunting down photos, and especially composing and recording background music along with the narration. The entire script is culled from my book: "CS Lewis Called Him Master (Exploring the Life & Adult Fantasy Works of George MacDonald)". MacDonald was a very big influence on later writers such as CS Lewis and GK Chesterton. MacDonald is often spoken of as having had a mystical imagination. He excelled in fantasy literature of a spiritual nature, the best of which would probably be "Lilith", "Phantastes", "The Portent", and a children's book called "At the Back of the North Wind".
"The Mystical World of George MacDonald" This film is now available on DVD for free to my YouTube subscribers. I may sell it eventually, but I want my supporters here to have it first and at no cost. All you have to do is send me a message here or through the email at my website and ask for it. Feel free to show it at your church, school, or other special events. Part 1 - What is Reality? This is the 1st part from a 51-minute documentary on the life and fantasy works of 19th century Scottish author--George MacDonald. I had abandoned the project in 2007 but eventually went back and finished it. It takes a long time to do everything by myself: writing the script, programming all the lettering effects and other special effects, hunting down photos, and especially composing and recording background music along with the narration. The entire script is culled from my book: "CS Lewis Called Him Master (Exploring the Life & Adult Fantasy Works of George MacDonald)". MacDonald was a very big influence on later writers such as CS Lewis and GK Chesterton. MacDonald is often spoken of as having had a mystical imagination. He excelled in fantasy literature of a spiritual nature, the best of which would probably be "Lilith", "Phantastes", "The Portent", and a children's book called "At the Back of the North Wind".
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