Early 80's dub of a 1979 anime movie adaptation of the Jean Webster novel about a young orphan turned college student named Judy Abbott who aspires to be a novelist, while sending letters to her mysterious tall, rich benefactor who is paying her tuition.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Daddy Long Legs (1979) - (Part 1)
Daddy Long Legs (1979) - (Part 1) Video Clips. Duration : 10.42 Mins.
Early 80's dub of a 1979 anime movie adaptation of the Jean Webster novel about a young orphan turned college student named Judy Abbott who aspires to be a novelist, while sending letters to her mysterious tall, rich benefactor who is paying her tuition.
Early 80's dub of a 1979 anime movie adaptation of the Jean Webster novel about a young orphan turned college student named Judy Abbott who aspires to be a novelist, while sending letters to her mysterious tall, rich benefactor who is paying her tuition.
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